Very Curious Mind/ Under Construction


Alison J. Stein CV and Resume, artist and writer in New York City.


Alison J. Stein is an multidisciplinary artist and writer born in New York City, and based in Carnegia, PA, in the Pittsburgh metro area. She makes paintings, prints, textile art and book art, all based on observations and accumulations from the world. She often finds compelling stories to tell in materials that have had a previous life. Her work is held in private collections around the world.

Fine Arts

Selected Exhibitions:


June -August 2022 - The Dazzling Margins - New York Public Library, Mulberry Street - New York, NY - USA


2024 - Regalitos - Raices Taller 222 Art Gallery - Tucson, Arizona - USA

2023 - Art of the Book Show - Rochester Public Library - Rochester NY - USA

2023 - [a] Mending Culture - Ketchup City Creative Gallery - Pittsburgh, PA - USA

2023 - Cut and Paste - Irma Freeman Center for the Imagination - Pittsburgh, PA - USA

2021 - All About Paper - Raices Taller 222 Art Gallery - Tucson, Arizona - USA

2021 - Compression - Vayo Collage Gallery - Rochester, New York - USA

2021 - Mujeres Mujeres Mujeres – Raices Taller 222 Art Gallery – Tucson, Arizona – USA

2021 – Neuroantaomy - Stone Valley Arts at Fox Hill – Poultney, Vermont – USA (Juror: W. David Powell.)

2021 - The Art of Water V – James May Gallery – Algoma, Washington – USA

2020 - Quaranzine - 1241 Carpenter Gallery - Philadelphia, Pennsylvania - USA

2020 - Loss - Woman Made Gallery - Chicago, Illinois - USA (Juror: Felicia Grant Preston)

2019 - RiTual - 1241 Carpenter Gallery - Philadelphia, Pennsylvania - USA

2017 - Unstitched States - Kenyon Review, Digital - Gambier, Ohio- USA

2016 - Greenpoint Open Studios - Brooklyn, New York - USA.

2015 - Crown Salon - New York, New York - USA

2014 - RiTual - 110 Carpenter Street Gallery - Philadelphia, Pennsylvania - USA


Selected Credits:

The Atlantic, BBC Travel, Boston Magazine, Business Traveler, Bloomberg BusinessWeek, The Chicago Tribune, The Chronicle of Philanthropy, Experience, Fast Company, Glamour, Huffington Post, Ladies’ Home Journal, Men's Journal, The Millions, Money, Mother Jones, New York Magazine, Psychology Today, Reason, Robb Report, Sierra Magazine, The Smart Set, The, The Toronto Star, The Travel Channel's World Hum, USA Weekend, The Washington Post, Worth, Yankee, Yoga Journal, among other places.

Selected books:

Anthology Contributions: “Naked with a Passport.” Leave the Lipstick, Take the Iguana: Funny Travel Stories and Strange Packing Tips (Traveler’s Tales, 2013) “The Heat Seeker.” Best Women’s Travel Writing (Traveler’s Tales, 2010) Best of Health (New Strategist, 2000)

Faculty Appointments

2019-2022: Assistant Professor, Albany College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences

2010-present: Teacher, Gotham Writers’ Workshop

Additional teaching experience includes The Well (Brooklyn, NY), The Arts Center for the Capital Region (Troy, NY), McNally Jackson Bookstore (New York, NY) and others.


Alison holds a B.A. in Political Science and Communication, magna cum laude, from the State University of New York, College at Cortland. She completed a summer residency focusing on Book Arts at Kenyon College Writers Workshop in 2014.


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