Very Curious Mind/ Under Construction


About My Teaching Practice:

I enjoy creating my own lectures and in-class exercises, come laden with relevant handouts and multimedia examples, and am generally nauseatingly well-prepared. My classes have been about writing, collage, handmade books, fiber arts, and other ways that creativity manifests in the world.

I’ve taught online and in-person, on the phone and via email, on college campuses, in bookstores, community centers and other places where fine learning is purveyed. I’ve taught classes that range from a full academic semester to a one-hour workshop.

 What My Students Say:

Alison Stein was a bubble filled with joy and promise. Her infectious laugh made it almost impossible not to like her. She made learning a joy.
— Regina Y Sealey
Alison, honestly, you have been the best! You have a great sense of humor, and through it all you kept the tone light and fun. Your feedback to me was especially insightful.
— Annie Fenn
This class was just amazing! I cannot think of something that didn’t satisfy me, all the ideas were authentic, the workshop’s duration and the amount of info was perfect, the teacher was inspiring and offered real value! I would definitely watch another course of hers. Thank you!
— Skillshare Student
Thanks for a fantastic class yesterday. I wish I could bottle your energy and spray some when I need a boost…and did I mention that your class sparked a lot of new ideas?
— Sandra Yin
Not only am I inspired to delve deeper into my writing, I feel like I have a really clear direction to get started. Thank you for all of the helpful information. I got a lot out of today.
— Jonathan Shiller.

Selected Teaching Venues:

  • Skillshare: On this online learning community, I teach 5 Techniques to Generate Creative Writing Ideas, — about generating prompts for your own creative endeavors. Although the class is titled for writers, artists, actors and entrepreneurs have taken and loved this class.. (Plus, in the intro video, you get to see my dog! And my studio!) Click here for two months of free access to my class and all the classes on the site.

  • The Albany College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences: I am an adjunct professor. (Fancy!) It’s my honor to help tomorrow’s medical professionals learn how to write clearly, which I believe helps them to think more clearly too.

  • The Well: A really cool women’s learning center in the heart of Brooklyn, where I taught an in-person creative writing, bookmaking and blogging courses.

  • FABSCRAP: reusing textiles is a passion, so I was very excited to offer this workshop: Art Journaling with Textiles.

  • Gotham Writers’ Workshop: I’ve been on the faculty here since 2010. I’ve taught Creative Writing, Food Writing, Travel Writing, and How to Blog.

  • Fab Scrap

  • The Arts Center of the Capital Region: In Troy, New York, I taught The Business of Freelance Writing, and Devour the World: Food and Travel Writing.

  • Private workshops: I take on a very limited number of students for individual coaching and private instruction. Email me at alisonstein at if you’re interested.